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Videos and Documents to help with your training.
A few videos detailing the execution of common techniques in the Warrior Taekwondo syllabus.
1. Stances: Parallel Ready Stance; Sitting Stance; Walking Stance. VIDEO 2. Stances: Low Stance; L Stance; Fixed Stance; Bending Ready Stance. VIDEO 3. Stances: Closed Ready Stances A, B and C; Vertical Stance; Rear Foot Stance. VIDEO 4. Hand Techniques: Outer Forearm Blocks - Low, Middle, High and Rising. VIDEO 5. Hand Techniques: Inner Forearm Blocks - Middle and High; Wedging Block; Palm Hooking Block. VIDEO 6. Hand Techniques: Knifehand Guarding Block; Twin Forearm Block; Knifehand Strike. VIDEO 7. Hand Techniques: Circular Block; Double Inner Forearm Blocks - High and Low; W-Shape Block. VIDEO 8. Kicking: Ready Positions - Guarding Position and Sparring Position; Front Snap Kick; Side Piercing Kick; Axe Kick; Turning Kicks - Sparring and Traditional. VIDEO 9. Kicking: Reverse Turning Kick (Horizontal Axe Kick); Hooking Kick; Back (Spin) Reverse Turning Kick; Back (Spin) Hooking Kick. VIDEO
Added: 6 May 2020
Episode 2 in a series on understanding the various applications of Taekwondo techniques.This Lesson: Basic applications of Bending Ready Stance, Rising Outer Forearm Block & Mid/High Outer Forearm Blocks;Advanced applications of Middle Inner Forearm Block & Knifehand Guarding Block.
Added: 22 April 2020
The introductory episode in a series on understanding the various applications of Taekwondo techniques.This Lesson: Basic applications of Low Outer Forearm Block, Middle Inner Forearm Block & Knifehand Guarding Block.
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