Class Cancellations: COVID-19 March/April 2020

Last Updated: 1pm, 12 March 2020

Following government recommendations, all Warrior Taekwondo classes are cancelled until further notice. At present we are choosing to follow the Department of Education’s policy regarding school closures.

The current policy for schools in Ireland is to close, effective 6pm March 12th, and to remain closed until March 29th. This would allow schools to remain closed up until just before the beginning of the scheduled 2-week Easter Holidays. At present, it is unclear whether the Department intends to keep schools closed throughout the Easter Holidays as well, or whether the schools will re-open early to make up for lost days. There has been no decision made on this matter yet. We will make our own decision on this matter in due course, but will follow government advice throughout the situation.

For students who pay monthly for classes: if you have already paid for March, your fees will be carried over as credit against classes when we return to training.

For students that are awaiting Colour Belt examination results: we will make digital copies of your exam results available in the coming week, and will make them accessible to you via email. To receive access to these files, please email us on

For students currently preparing for Black Belt Examination, aside from the above class cancellations, we have made no further announcements just yet. We will be staying in regular communication with our examiner, and will update you all if there are any further developments regarding re-scheduling.